Hello everyone! Have you seen the Paper Towns trailer? I think it's pretty cool. Paper Towns it's one of my favorite books in the whole world I read it a year and a half ago and I absolutely fell in love. I felt really related with Margo, who runaway because she believes in different things and I really like that girl. When I say that I feel realated with her I don't mean that I'd runaway and left little clues or nothing like it, I mean I just think I know how she feels inside.
When I first saw the cast I was not sure, I like Cara, I like Nat but I didn't see them as Margo or Q but now after watching the trailer 19379127913 times I kind of like it. Cara's accent it's cute, Nat Wolff it's and amazing actor, the rest of the cast it's pretty cool, John Green is a great novelist so it looks like everything is going to be fine.
Soooo...I'll go to watch Paper Towns as soon as it is in theatres this summer 2015. And I will let you know what I think. But books are always better.
- What do you think about the book?
- And about the movie?
- And about the cast?
- Do you prefer movies or books?